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With applicable regulatory requirements being prevalent in every business sector, the

necessity of having effective compliance and risk management support is critical. Rules and

regulations for the establishment of financial and non-financial services businesses are

comprehensive and specific, with a robust policies and procedures framework being key to

ensuring the success of a business in its regulatory and operational environment.


We provide a comprehensive suite of services covering the identification of compliance

requirements and risks to a business; preparing compliance manuals and monitoring

timetables in line with applicable laws and regulations which are built around the operations

of a business; providing businesses with on-going support on regulatory compliance advice;

updates on regulatory developments and changes; and familiarizing your teams on applicable

rules, regulations, compliance manuals and procedures your business needs to comply with.


Regulatory action and enforcement can have a significant impact on the reputation of a

business and an exponential increase in the costs of compliance. Our compliance offering

extends to providing businesses with periodic health checks on the effectiveness of their

compliance processes and procedures, and identifying any gaps for enhancing the robustness

of the compliance framework of a business.



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